Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

Popular Things in Indonesia

      The aim of this report to show you what is popular in Indonesia. Indonesia has many popular aspect. But in this report i will discuss three items, Tourism, Smoking Habit, and Public Transportation.

Tourism : Tourism is an important economic sector in Indonesia. In 2009, tourism is rank as the 3rd in terms of foreign exchange earnings after oil, gas commodities and oil palm. Indonesia is also the largest country and most populous island in the world. The beaches in Bali, dive sites in Bunaken, Mount Rinjani in Lombok, and various national parks in Sumatra are all examples of nature tourism destination in Indonesia.

"Nusa Dua Beach in Bali"

"Beautiful View in Bunaken"

"Rinjani Mount in Lombok"

Smoking Habit : Smoking habit in Indonesia, from teenagers to adults. Sometimes, they spend some money just for cigarettes. It isn’t surprising that the number of smokers in Indonesia rose every year. They don’t know the impact of smoking, like lung cancer, tuberculosis, and pollute the environment. Inside the cigarettes, there are 3 dangerous chemicals, such as Co(Carbon Monoxide), Nicotine, and Tar. Nicotine can causes addiction, and TAR is “carcinogen” which mean it causes cancer.

"Say No To Smoking!"

"Dangerous Chemicals inside the Cigarettes"

Public Transportation :  In Indonesia, especially in Jakarta public transportation such as a metromini, bajaj, and taxi are widely used. But vehicles  like this sometimes make jams on the street and there are many old vehicles are still in use. To reduce this jams, in 2004 the former governor of Jakarta, Sutiyoso make a public transportation with its own way called busway (Transjakarta).

"Public Transportation"

"Busway (Transjakarta)"

      The most surprising aspect of this report is tourism. 

Rizky Agung X-E

1 komentar:

  1. its a great article i like the things you wrote there and its great that you put some pictures in it!

    -Sheila Riahna XE
